NuCamp needs to buy a used C-130 to pick up trailers around the country for service. Simply drive the trailer to your local airport and NuCamp will fly it to the factory for service. Once completed, … (View Post)
Fstop - thanks so much for the additional info. Will try the heat shrink approach with reserve. Can’t believe there would be that much extra clearance over the pipe. As an aside, the four products th… (View Post)
Simplistic and elegant design combined with beautiful workmanship. Very nicely done! This mod still counts as "Roughing It" because you must lean down to operate the unit. If it was at coun… (View Post)
TabbyShack - word on the street is that NuCamp will pay for a new 400 for anyone who travels with cats. Just a rumor mind you. Restrictions on getting the new 400 include surviving the first trip wit… (View Post)